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Friday 12 August 2016

Top 5 Popular Hawaiian Rice Recipes for Every Occasion

Rice is consumed by over 3 billion people in the world, with over 90% of that population living in Asia. With hardly any representation to show from Hawaii in terms of global numbers, the rice recipes in the island state is best described as – Exotic and exclusive!

Here are 5 unbeatable, easy to cook Hawaiian rice recipes for every occasion.

1.  Hawaiian Pepper Chicken Lemon Rice:

Low calorie and energy-rich recipe, rice is cooked with peppered chicken, usually with bones intact, coconut milk, chestnuts, pineapple slices and sliced almonds. Seasoned with herbs and spices, the main course is served with coconut milk and chicken kalua curry. There are many versions of cooked chicken recipe, but for best results use the rotisseries with cheese and garlic extracts.

Baked, and casserole versions of this recipe are relished in beach resorts and street food junctions.

2.  Hawaiian Confetti rice:

A flavoursome and fragrant rice recipe, the Hawaiian Confetti is a special summer item loaded with chillies, capsicum, broccoli, pineapple, cilantro and peppers. Loved for its sweet and spicy taste, Hawaiian Confetti rice is called so because of the abundance of colours in the platter. Use of orange peel, lemon and pineapple give it a yellowish tinge, while the green-red dash of vegetables make it an appetising dish for the eyes.

Served with roasted shrimps and pork chops, the Hawaiian confetti rice also has red beans and macadamia nuts to top the nutritional value.

3.  Coconut Rice Pineapple Salsa:

There is no match to Hawaiian coconut rice and pineapple salsa. Decked with aromatic herbs and spices, the way the locals decorate the rice cake is simply awe-inspiring. Cooked by sprinkling Hawaiian salt, the rice recipe is topped with roasted almonds and macadamia nuts, in addition to grilled pineapple and glazed shrimps. To give it a fruity touch, strawberry guava and Java plum are also pinned to the rice cakes for a colourful experience.

  4.  Chipotle Cilantro Lime and Pineapple rice:

The extra-long rice is not a regular ingredient in the Hawaiian cuisine. However, the chipotle version uses this variety to create a magical platter. Cooked in mud pots, the rice is boiled and then added to a cooked paste of cilantro, lime juice, pineapples and apple, sautéed in butter. Bay leaves and jalapenos are used abundantly to give it an Asiatic aroma, however they are removed before serving to hide away all the traces of spices.

Served with teriyaki chicken and kalua curry, this rice item is considered as a party dish for special occasions.

5.  Hawaiian Rice Pudding:

A sweet combination of Spanish flavour and Hawaiian extravaganza, the pudding recipe has abundance of fruit and nut, packed in black sugar and glazed pineapple base. Cream cheese and eggs make this recipe a dreamy dessert to relish after a heavy Hawaiian main course.

Unlike any other place on the planet, the rice recipes in Hawaii enjoy a godly reputation, with almost every dish served with either rice cakes or fried rice, always cooked in Polynesian style.


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